
Sound Therapy allows physical and emotional re-harmonization through the vibration of sacred instruments such as Tibetan bowls, voice, tuning forks, didgeridoo, among others. With intent, you find the healing of your body and soul.

The principle of resonance is a scientific principle that explains how sound can relieve suffering.

When two objects are tuned to the same frequency, if one vibrates, the other vibrates at a distance.

The disease and pain that correspond to frequencies, appear when the body, or part of it, loses its frequency of harmony. Thus, the harmonious frequencies of the instruments like the Tibetan bowls make it possible to re-balance the body.


Relieves: Joint and muscle pain, digestive disorders, migraines and headaches, tinnitus, rheumatism, hearing and vision problems, sore throat, tension in the neck, flu, asthma, menstrual cramps, back pain, constipation, weight problem.

Promotes: Relaxation, productivity, rest, vitality, better digestion, physical well-being.



Relieves: mourning, separation, anxiety, fear, irritability, jealousy, obsession, guilt, nervousness.

Promotes: Creativity, love, compassion, tolerance, empathy, cheerfulness, generosity, emotional well-being.


Relieves: Sleep Disorders, Stress, Phobias, Depressive Syndrome, Whimsical, Attention Deficit Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Confusion, Indecision.

Promotes: Concentration, clear understanding, clarity of mind, meditation, balance between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, anchoring, mental well-being.



Relieves: Negative vibrations, spiritual confusion.

Promotes: Spiritual understanding, develops intuition, letting go, inner strength, fulfillment and spiritual fullness.