Who can do it?

"Who can do it?

Sound therapy is a complementary medicine designed to work alongside orthodox medicine. BAST attempts to treat indivuals with fertility issues, chronic pain, cancer, stress-related illnesses, IBS, ME, tinnitus, mild depression, anxiety and arthritis. BAST founder Lyz Cooper believes: "Whether you come for a regular tune-up or relaxation session, or have a chronic long-term illness, sound could help you to enjoy a better quality of life."

What results can you expect?

Sound therapy is said to help not only physical illness, but also help balance the emotions and quieten a busy mind. Most people feel calm and relaxed following treatment. For some, this feeling will last several days. You may also be given exercises to practise between treatments." Source: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2008/jul/06/healthandwellbeing5